A Surprise E-mail
In 2019 I received a surprise e-mail from England concerning Did Magee Really Do That? It was from Yvonne Magee, the sister-in-law of John Gillespie Magee, Jr, the author of High Flight. Here is her request to AOPA Pilot Magazine to allow her to contact me:
“I am the widow of Frederick Hugh Magee, brother of John Gillespie Magee, Jr, who wrote the sonnet 'High Flight'. Hugh was the last of the four brothers, and passed away on 24 April, 2019. In going through Hugh's papers this morning, I came across a wonderful article written by Alan Cockrell in 1997 that has a wonderful reference to High Flight, the loveliest I have seen (and I have seen MANY!), and would like to reach him to thank him for writing it. I see that he has recently written an article for you, and thought perhaps if you can't give me contact details for him, you might forward a letter to him. Can you give me the appropriate contact information? Thanks so much. I grew up flying with my dad in a private plane, and it is a joy to touch this world again after all these years. Best wishes Yvonne Magee.”